It's finally here: Election Day 2020!
Polls are now open across Massachusetts until 8 pm.
You can confirm your polling location here:
If you already voted by mail, you can look up whether your ballot was accepted via this page:
If your Vote By Mail ballot wasn't accepted, you can still vote in-person today.
If you still need to return a Vote By Mail ballot, it must be postmarked by today.
For surest results, drop your Vote By Mail ballot in an official ballot drop box. Here's a map of Cambridge drop boxes, and here's a map of Somerville drop boxes. The drop boxes are open until 8 pm.
Last week I voted by mail via a drop box here in Cambridge. I voted for V.P. Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Ed Markey, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, State Senator Sal DiDomenico, Yes on Question 1 for Right to Repair, and Yes on Question 2 for Ranked Choice Voting.
As a committed progressive and democratic socialist, I voted for Vice President Biden with clear eyes. I don't think he goes far enough on issues such as the Green New Deal or Medicare For All, and I don't approve of many parts of his record.
That said, I understand that removing Trump from office is the prerequisite for any progress in our nation. Our democracy and our planet cannot endure another four years of having this racist in the White House. Survival depends on removing Trump and his criminal enablers from power.
So today, we must vote to remove Trump from office. And then, we will organize and fight to hold Joe Biden and the Democrats accountable to the urgent demands of this moment and to the movements that are leading the way.
This gives us a reason to be hopeful — especially if we consider how far progressives have made it since the last time Democrats controlled the White House and both branches of Congress, circa 2009.
Ten years ago, issues of war and peace, wealth and income inequality, climate justice, and criminal justice reform were not being meaningfully addressed by either political party. This drove me to get more involved in activism and to consider running for office myself on a platform of rejecting corporate influence and fighting for the working class.
I distinctly remember how — when I first got started in grassroots politics circa that 2009-10 moment — there weren't many great progressive role models on any level of government that were visible to me. So I got involved hoping to become one of many activist legislators working in partnership with grassroots movements to pull our politics to the left and to respond to the challenges facing our most vulnerable residents.
Now it's amazing to consider what's been made possible: Massachusetts twice elected Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders ignited a political revolution, Ed Markey demonstrated the power of working in partnership with the climate movement, Ayanna Pressley emerged as a force for justice, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman and many others are now showing us what true progressive leadership looks like.
With these leaders on the national stage — and with countless new leaders expanding possibilities on the state and local levels — electing the Biden-Harris ticket means we will have an opportunity to make real progress in the next two to four years. Polls suggest there's a good chance we can win the White House and both branches of Congress today — but for this to happen, we need some big wins.
If you are able to phone bank for the Biden-Harris ticket this afternoon, please RSVP here.
So far, early turnout has been record-breaking in Massachusetts. That's a good sign. Now, we need to run up the score to make it harder for Trump to cling to power illegitimately (as he has been suggesting he'll do).
We also have an opportunity to affirm the Right to Repair and to enrich our democratic process with Ranked Choice Voting. I support both ballot questions and encourage you to vote Yes on all the questions today.
Thank you to the thousands of constituents who have already voted for my re-election this fall! And to everyone in the 26th Middlesex District who has yet to vote, I respectfully ask for your support today.
In my second term in the Massachusetts House, I have worked to pass nationally-recognized legislation while continuing to deliver results for our district. I've led the fight for tenant protections and Housing For All. I've also helped lead efforts to raise taxes on big corporations to pay for new investments in transportation and education, and Progressive Massachusetts recognized me for having a 100% progressive voting record.
I'm proud to be endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts, Planned Parenthood Advocacy of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Teachers Association, Sierra Club of Massachusetts, American Federation of Teachers, Massachusetts Laborers' District Council, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 888, Our Revolution Somerville, Sunrise Boston, and several others.
It is an honor being able to serve the people of Cambridge and Somerville in this time of deep crisis and opportunity. Thank you for your friendship and support, as it allows me to continue doing this work.
As always, please reach out to me with any questions or concerns — and may this be the day that brings an end to our long national nightmare.
Yours in service,
Rep. Mike Connolly